The Three Apple Watch Apps I Really Want
The Apple Watch launch day is getting closer and I am ready to place my pre-order for a Sport model on the 10th. And this are the apps I want the most on my Watch.
Apple Watch Activity App
Activity (pre-installed)
The main use I had plan for my Apple Watch is to track my activity and fitness and the pre-installed Activity app looks like it will be great for my use. Apple
Apple Watch Omnifocus App
Omnifocus (announced)
Omnifocus is one of my top apps I use it a lot on Mac, iPhone and iPad and having my next to To-Do on my wrist will hopefully make me more productive. I am glad The Omnigroup plans to have an app ready by launch day. Appadvice
Apple Watch Evernote App
Evernote (announced)
Evernote is another of my powerhouse apps and having the ability to save a quick note (or audio-note) will be fantastic. Like The Omnigroup Evernote has announced plan to have the app ready by launch day. Evernote
Beside my top three this one I am looking to try as they become available.
- MyFitnessPal (no announcement)
- Dark Skies (announced)
- Hue App (announced)
- iCam Pro (no announcement)
Overcast (announced)
What apps are you looking forward to try?