A Week Off My Number One Time Water (RSS FEEDS, Reeder)
Screenshot at the time I will stop checking Reeder for a five days. Zero unread articles.
I will be trying an experiment starting on Monday. From Monday 7/27 at Midnight until Saturday 8/1 at Midnight I will not check Reeder. Reeder is my RSS client on iOS and Mac that I use along my Feedly account to manage my RSS subscriptions and one of my number one used apps.
The problem is that it’s also my number one time waster. Some people waste their time on Facebook, Twitter, Web Porn or online games but I do it reading articles on Reeder. I never have more than 30 unread articles at any given time because I am constantly checking for new ones to read.
And thats kind of an issue.
I have a big coding project going on and I am constantly procrastinating on Reeder.
So for 5 full days I will not use Reeder and see if my coding efficiency improves. I will update this post with a screenshot of Reeder just before I start the embargo and a screenshot at the end to see how many articles I didn’t read in those 5 days.
So happy coding only week for me with zero time wasted at Reeder.