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Where is your first iPod? Mine still rocking 16 years later

iPod Mini 2nd Generation - Released in 2005

I just wanted to give a shout out to my first iPod. This mini guy was my first iPod and the one that brought me back to the Apple ecosystem.

I purchased the Mini on August 28, 2005, so it will be 16 years this August. I still remember the day I got it. I went everywhere looking for it and couldn't find it in stock anywhere.

My last stop and the place where I least expected to find it was Sears (remember them?) They had two left in stock and I zeroed on the Silver one immediately.

I opened on the parking lot and immediately fell in love with it. Build quality and build was amazing. I immediately returned home and created an iTunes account downloaded a couple of albums and was immediately hooked.

I had many iPods after this one and most of them still work and are here except for the ones that were sold or handed down to relatives. My first Classic still here, my wife last Nano still here, and this Mini 16 years later still my favorite iPod ever.

I like most people these days heard my music mostly from streaming services on my iPhone but I also like to disconnect from the world a couple of times a month and like to take one of my iPods or my Walkman (post coming soon) with me.

So do you remember your first iPod? Do you still have it? Does it work? let me know on Twitter @oomarcast